sabato 26 febbraio 2011

Susanna Camusso CGIL secretary

Today in Mestre the secretary of one of the biggest italian syndicates  participate to a local demo and visited the workers of the petrolchimico (Vinyls), still protesting on a tower 150 meters hight, to bring them solidarity.

©Alessandro Rampazzo

©Alessandro Rampazzo

©Alessandro Rampazzo
©Alessandro Rampazzo

©Alessandro Rampazzo

martedì 22 febbraio 2011

faked survey

the newspaper i photograph for, decided, in occasion of the election of the major of Chioggia, to promote a survey and ask to the people who buy the newspaper, to vote their favorite candidate (writing the name of their favorite on a module on the journal)....but italians are smar! so many newspaper vendors received the visit of a person that bought many copies (all not sold copies).I personally suppose this is to fake the survey with lot of votes for a precise candidate, so to condition people on their future vote....but maybe i'm wrong and the person was just a collector
©Alessandro Rampazzo

mercoledì 16 febbraio 2011

Fincantieri protest

The workers of one of the biggest ship-builder factory in the world (Fincantieri), today protested for the risk of loosing their job, by the end of February,for 320 people.
©Alessandro Rampazzo/Lightimage

©Alessandro Rampazzo/Lightimage

mercoledì 2 febbraio 2011


A local politician, today, during the explanation of the project for the new TAV (hight velocity train), in Venice, took me to the last movie of Antonio Albanese.
©Alessandro Rampazzo